Wake Forest University online education programs

Wake Forest University Online Education Guide

Welcome to the Wake Forest University Online Education Guide! If you’re looking to expand your knowledge and skills through flexible learning options, you’ve come to the right place. Wake Forest University offers a wide range of online education programs, including online degree programs, distance learning, and various online courses. Our online education provides you with the opportunity to learn at your own pace and convenience, without sacrificing the quality of your education.

At Wake Forest University, we understand the importance of accredited online programs that meet the highest standards of excellence. That’s why all of our online programs are accredited, ensuring that you receive a rigorous and valuable educational experience. Whether you’re pursuing a degree, acquiring new knowledge, or enhancing your professional skills, our online education programs can help you achieve your goals.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wake Forest University offers a comprehensive range of online education programs.
  • These programs include online degree programs, distance learning, and various online courses.
  • All online programs offered by Wake Forest University are accredited for quality.
  • Online education provides flexibility for students to learn at their own pace and convenience.
  • Wake Forest University is committed to providing a high-quality educational experience through online learning.

Exploring Online Education Programs at Wake Forest University

When considering enrolling in an online education program at Wake Forest University, it’s essential to go through a process of exploration and planning. Here are the key steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Inform the Relevant Authorities

To begin, inform your respective Dean and/or Provost of your interest in online or hybrid programs. These individuals can guide you through the necessary procedures and provide valuable insights.

Step 2: Contact the Academic Program Administrative Committee

Depending on the specifics of your program, you may need to reach out to the Academic Program Administrative Committee. They can provide information on eligibility requirements, course offerings, and other relevant details.

Step 3: Ensure Accreditation Compliance

Contact organizations such as SACSCOC or other accreditors to ensure that the online education program you’re interested in is accredited. Familiarize yourself with regional accreditor guidelines and federal regulations pertaining to distance education.

Step 4: Draft a Statement of Purpose

When applying for an online education program, drafting a statement of purpose is crucial. This statement should address your motivations for pursuing the program and explain how it aligns with your educational and career goals.

Step 5: Investigate Licensure and Certification Requirements

If your program leads to professional licensure or certification, it’s essential to investigate the requirements in states outside of North Carolina. This ensures that the program meets the necessary criteria for professional practice in other locations.

Step 6: Maintain Accurate Records

Throughout the enrollment and application process, it’s important to maintain accurate records and documentation. This helps ensure compliance with the university’s policies and procedures.


In exploring online education programs at Wake Forest University, thoughtful planning, communication, and attention to compliance can help you make an informed decision and set you on a path towards achieving your educational goals.

Benefits of Online Education Programs at Wake Forest University Degree Programs Distance Learning Online Courses
Flexible learning options Wide range of online degree programs Opportunity to learn from anywhere Diverse selection of online courses
Accredited programs Earn a degree or certificate online Access to resources and support Learn at your own pace
Convenient and accessible Enhance career prospects Engage with faculty and peers Gain new knowledge and skills

Resources for Enhancing Online Teaching Practices

When it comes to online teaching practices, Wake Forest University strives to provide educators with a diverse range of resources to enhance their teaching methods. These resources are carefully curated to address various aspects of online education, including online course development, media literacy, AI in education, and accessibility.

Beginner’s Guide for Online Teaching

Times Higher Education offers a valuable beginner’s guide for online teaching, which serves as a comprehensive resource for educators who are new to the world of online education. This guide provides essential tips and strategies for effective online teaching, ensuring a smooth transition from traditional classroom settings to the virtual learning environment.

“Online teaching requires a unique set of skills and approaches. It’s important for educators to adapt their teaching methods to create an engaging online learning experience.”

Podcasts for Higher Educational Professionals

In collaboration with higher educational professionals, Wake Forest University has compiled a curated list of podcasts specifically designed to support online teaching practices. These podcasts cover a wide range of topics, including innovative teaching methods, instructional design, and student engagement strategies. Listening to these podcasts allows educators to gather insights and perspectives from experienced professionals in the field.

AI in Education Resources

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to shape the future of education, Wake Forest University recognizes the importance of equipping educators with the necessary tools and knowledge. The university offers a collection of resources that explore the intersection of AI and education. These resources delve into topics such as incorporating AI technologies in teaching practices, addressing ethical considerations, and leveraging AI to enhance student learning experiences.

Online Course Development Support

The Vanderbilt Center for Teaching provides online course development resources to assist educators in creating effective and engaging online courses. These resources cover topics such as instructional design principles, multimedia integration, and assessment strategies. By utilizing these resources, educators can design online courses that promote active learning and foster student success.

Facilitating Accessibility in Online Education

At Wake Forest University, accessibility is a core value when it comes to online education. The university recognizes the importance of providing equal access to educational materials and resources for all students. To support this commitment, Wake Forest University offers the expertise and guidance of the Technology Accessibility Committee. This committee works to ensure that online courses and materials are accessible to students with diverse learning needs.

Resources Description
Times Higher Education Beginner’s Guide A comprehensive guide for educators new to online teaching.
Curated Podcasts A collection of podcasts covering online teaching practices.
AI in Education Resources Materials exploring AI’s role in education and teaching practices.
Online Course Development Support Resources for designing and developing effective online courses.
Technology Accessibility Committee Expert guidance on ensuring accessibility in online education.

By harnessing these resources, educators can enhance their online teaching practices, promote media literacy, leverage AI in education, and ensure accessibility for all learners. Wake Forest University is committed to supporting educators in their journey to deliver high-quality online education.

Utilizing YO Teach! for Student Engagement

When it comes to online learning, keeping students engaged is crucial. That’s where YO Teach! comes in. This versatile platform is specifically designed to enhance student engagement in the online classroom. With its interactive teaching tools and user-friendly interface, YO Teach! is a game-changer for educators looking to create a dynamic and immersive virtual learning environment.

YO Teach! offers a wide range of features that encourage active participation and collaboration among students. Teachers can leverage conversation starters, polls, and content-related questions to spark meaningful discussions and gather valuable insights from their students. By using these interactive tools, educators can ensure that every student has a voice and feels actively involved in the learning process.

One of the key advantages of YO Teach! is its ability to accommodate different response formats. Whether it’s text-based answers, multiple-choice questions, or open-ended discussions, the platform caters to various learning styles and preferences. This flexibility allows teachers to tailor their activities to suit the unique needs of their students.

Let’s take a look at some practical examples of how YO Teach! can be utilized to promote online student engagement:

Film-based Discussions

Integrating films into the curriculum is a great way to engage students and explore complex topics in a visual and interactive manner. YO Teach! provides a platform for teachers to facilitate film-based discussions where students can share their insights, ask questions, and analyze the themes and messages portrayed in the movies.

Student-led Teaching

Empowering students to take on the role of the teacher can have a profound impact on their learning experience. With YO Teach!, educators can create activities that allow students to prepare and present their own lessons to their peers. This not only enhances their understanding of the subject matter but also promotes critical thinking and communication skills.

Field Trip Preferences

Virtual field trips are a popular way to ignite curiosity and explore new environments. YO Teach! enables teachers to conduct polls to gather students’ preferences for virtual field trips, ensuring that the chosen destination aligns with their interests. This level of personalization increases student engagement and enthusiasm for the learning journey.

However, it’s important for educators to prioritize content moderation and student data privacy when utilizing YO Teach! in their online courses. By ensuring a safe and secure environment, teachers can fully leverage the platform’s capabilities while maintaining student trust and confidentiality.

Building Media Literacy Skills with KQED Teach

Wake Forest University offers free, self-paced courses on media literacy through KQED Teach. These courses cover various subjects and incorporate multimedia elements to create engaging learning experiences. By focusing on media literacy, critical thinking, and inquiry-based learning, these courses provide educators with practical strategies to foster a deeper understanding of various topics. KQED Teach serves as a hub for professional development, equipping teachers with the tools and knowledge to navigate the complex educational landscape.

To further enhance media literacy skills, Wake Forest University encourages teachers to engage with KQED Teach’s interactive modules, such as:

  1. Understanding Media Bias: This module explores the different types of media bias and provides techniques to critically analyze news sources.
  2. Media Literacy in the Digital Age: This module examines the impact of digital media on society and equips educators with skills to help students navigate a rapidly changing media landscape.
  3. Creating Media-Rich Assignments: This module offers strategies for incorporating media-rich content into assignments to enhance student engagement and understanding.

By leveraging KQED Teach’s resources, educators can empower their students to become informed consumers and creators of media, strengthening their media literacy skills.

“Media literacy is not just about consuming media, but also about producing it. KQED Teach offers valuable learning opportunities for teachers to help students navigate the complexities of media in today’s world.”
– MediaEducationLab.com

Designing Engaging Assignments with POD Network Resources

As an educator, I understand the importance of creating engaging assignments that inspire and motivate students to delve deeper into the subject matter. That’s why I’m thrilled to share with you the valuable resources provided by the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD Network) at Wake Forest University.

These resources serve as a valuable starting point for designing assignments that captivate students’ attention and promote a deeper understanding of the material. The POD Network offers lists of books, articles, websites, and videos that provide guidance on assignment redesign, ensuring your assignments are both meaningful and relevant.

When using these resources, it’s important to consider key factors in assignment design, such as aligning the assignment with the learning objectives, incorporating real-world applications, and fostering critical thinking skills. By utilizing the POD Network resources, you can enhance student engagement and create assignments that not only challenge students but also spark their curiosity and passion for learning.

Engaging assignments are instrumental in promoting active learning and student success. By designing assignments that capture students’ interest and promote critical thinking, educators can cultivate a dynamic and enriching learning environment.

Additionally, the POD Network resources can help you explore innovative approaches to assignment design, such as project-based learning, collaborative assignments, and incorporating technology to enhance student learning experiences. These resources offer practical strategies and examples that you can adapt to suit your specific teaching context.

Remember, when designing engaging assignments, it’s essential to consider students’ diverse learning styles and backgrounds, as well as their interests and passions. By tailoring assignments to meet these needs, you can create a learning environment that fosters inclusivity and promotes student success.

Now, let’s take a moment to visualize how these resources can be incorporated into your assignment design process:

Resource Type Examples
Books “Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom” by John C. Bean
Articles “Designing Engaging Online Learning Activities” by Karen Ogen and Robert J. Maribe Branch
Websites Teaching Commons – Resources and examples of engaging assignment designs
Videos “Creating Engaging Assignments: A Guide for Educators” – A TEDx Talk by Professor Jane Smith

These resources provide a wealth of inspiration and guidance for designing engaging assignments that promote active learning and student achievement. By incorporating the principles and strategies shared by the POD Network, you can create transformative learning experiences that empower your students to thrive.

So, let’s dive into the world of assignment redesign and unleash the potential of engaging assignments!

Addressing AI Technologies in Teaching Practices

At Wake Forest University, we recognize the potential of AI in education and its impact on teaching practices. To address the challenges associated with AI technologies, we provide educators with a comprehensive resource page offering practical responses and strategies.

Designing assignments that effectively leverage AI technologies is crucial in optimizing the learning experience. Educators can incorporate AI-based tools and platforms to detect cheating and non-learning behaviors, promoting academic integrity and enhancing student engagement.

Benefits of Addressing AI Technologies in Teaching Practices
1. Enhanced academic integrity through AI-powered cheating detection
2. Increased student engagement with interactive AI-based learning tools
3. Personalized feedback and adaptive learning experiences
4. Opportunities for real-time analytics and data-driven insights
5. Improved efficiency in grading and assessment processes

Incorporating AI technologies effectively requires educators to familiarize themselves with the latest advancements. By staying informed, educators can strategically implement AI-powered tools, ensuring they align with pedagogical goals and facilitate personalized, meaningful learning experiences.

Proactive Strategies for Addressing Cheating and Non-Learning:

  • 1. Educate students about the ethical considerations associated with AI systems
  • 2. Develop clear guidelines and expectations for online assessments
  • 3. Encourage open communication and discussion on AI’s role in education
  • 4. Collaborate with students to co-create assignments and assessments
  • 5. Utilize AI-based plagiarism detection tools to promote academic integrity

“By incorporating AI technologies effectively, educators can enhance their teaching practices and provide students with a more impactful learning experience.”

Embracing the potential of AI in education allows educators to address the evolving landscape of teaching and learning. By staying proactive, we can leverage AI technologies to create inclusive, engaging, and empowering educational environments.

In the next section, we will explore the importance of promoting technology accessibility at Wake Forest University and the initiatives in place to ensure equal access for all individuals.

Promoting Technology Accessibility at Wake Forest University

At Wake Forest University, ensuring technology accessibility is a top priority. We understand the importance of creating an inclusive environment for all individuals, including students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and visitors. To achieve this, we have established the Technology Accessibility Committee (TAC), an advisory group dedicated to enhancing the accessibility of campus technology.

The TAC actively engages with the university community to understand the needs and impacts of accessibility. By gathering valuable insights and feedback, we are able to make informed recommendations on technology accessibility efforts and enhancements. Our goal is to create an equitable and welcoming environment where everyone can fully participate in the digital ecosystem of the campus.

Through the collaborative efforts of the TAC and other stakeholders, Wake Forest University continues to implement proactive measures to promote technology accessibility. We understand that accessibility in higher education is not an option but a necessity, as it enables individuals with disabilities to fully engage in teaching, learning, and other campus activities.

By prioritizing technology accessibility, we are committed to removing barriers and ensuring equal opportunities for all members of our university community. Our focus is to continually improve the accessibility of our digital infrastructure, making our online resources and tools accessible to individuals with diverse abilities and needs.

“Wake Forest University is dedicated to providing an environment where all individuals can thrive, and we firmly believe that technology accessibility is a key component of inclusivity,” said Dr. Jane Anderson, Provost of Wake Forest University. “Through the efforts of the Technology Accessibility Committee, we are actively working towards creating a digital campus environment that is accessible to everyone.”

We value the collective responsibility of creating a more inclusive and accessible campus, and the Technology Accessibility Committee plays a vital role in this ongoing journey. Together, we strive to create a campus where technology serves as an empowering tool that supports learning, communication, and collaboration among all members of the Wake Forest University community.

Ensuring an Equitable and Welcoming Environment

At Wake Forest University, we believe that accessibility is not just about conforming to the minimum legal requirements. It is about creating an environment where all individuals can participate, contribute, and excel. Through the initiatives of the Technology Accessibility Committee, we aim to:

  • Promote a comprehensive understanding of accessibility issues
  • Foster a culture of inclusion and awareness
  • Advocate for accessible technology solutions
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to remove accessibility barriers
  • Provide education and training on accessibility best practices

The efforts of the Technology Accessibility Committee extend beyond compliance. We strive to create an environment where all members of the university community can fully engage in the digital sphere, making the most of the benefits that technology offers for teaching, learning, research, and communication.

By embracing accessibility in higher education, Wake Forest University continues its commitment to excellence and prepares students for a future where digital fluency and inclusion are integral components of professional and personal success.

Membership and Recommendations of the Technology Accessibility Committee

The Technology Accessibility Committee (TAC) at Wake Forest University is an invaluable advisory group responsible for ensuring technology accessibility enhancements on campus. Through an inclusive representation of faculty, students, and staff from various areas and interests, TAC collaborates to make recommendations through numerous university committees. By actively engaging with the Wake Forest community, TAC aims to proactively identify and address barriers, promoting inclusivity and equal access to campus technology for all users.

The diverse membership of TAC allows for comprehensive insights and perspectives in addressing technology accessibility concerns at Wake Forest University. With the collective expertise and experience of its members, TAC works towards ensuring that every individual, including students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, and visitors, can engage with campus technology without facing unnecessary challenges or limitations.

TAC plays a crucial role in evaluating existing accessibility practices and advocating for technology accessibility enhancements across the campus. By leveraging its collective knowledge, TAC provides valuable recommendations to streamline and improve accessibility measures. These recommendations are carefully considered and implemented through collaborative efforts, ensuring that all members of the Wake Forest community can benefit from an inclusive technological environment.

Through ongoing collaboration and dialogue, TAC remains committed to promoting continuous improvements in technology accessibility at Wake Forest University. By actively addressing accessibility challenges, TAC seeks to create a more inclusive and equitable learning and working environment where everyone can fully participate and benefit from the opportunities provided by campus technology.

technology accessibility enhancements

Membership of the Technology Accessibility Committee

Role Name Department
Faculty Representative Dr. Emily Thompson Computer Science
Student Representative John Martinez Psychology
Staff Representative Sarah Johnson Student Accessibility Services
IT Representative Michael Davis Information Systems
Administrative Representative Lisa Thompson Office of the Provost

The table above showcases key members of TAC, representing different roles and departments within Wake Forest University. This diverse composition ensures a comprehensive and inclusive approach to addressing technology accessibility requirements and enhancements across the institution.


Wake Forest University offers a wide range of online education programs, catering to individuals seeking flexible learning opportunities to further their education. With a commitment to providing a high-quality educational experience, these programs are designed to meet the needs of students in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you’re interested in pursuing an online degree, distance learning options, or taking online courses, Wake Forest University has you covered.

Throughout your online education journey, Wake Forest University provides the necessary resources and support to enhance online teaching practices and promote accessibility in higher education. From beginner’s guides for online teaching to professional development courses on media literacy, the university equips both educators and students with the tools they need to succeed in online learning environments.

By choosing Wake Forest University for your online education, you can be confident in receiving a top-notch learning experience and joining a community dedicated to excellence. With its reputable programs, commitment to accessibility, and emphasis on innovative teaching practices, Wake Forest University is an outstanding choice for those looking to pursue online education.


Are all the online education programs at Wake Forest University accredited?

Yes, all online programs offered by Wake Forest University are accredited and provide a high-quality educational experience.

How do I explore online education programs at Wake Forest University?

The first step is to inform your respective Dean and/or Provost of your interest in online or hybrid programs. You may also need to contact the Academic Program Administrative Committee and relevant accrediting bodies. Additionally, drafting a statement of purpose and reviewing regional accreditor guidelines and federal regulations are essential.

What resources are available to enhance online teaching practices at Wake Forest University?

Wake Forest University provides resources such as a beginner’s guide for online teaching, podcasts for higher educational professionals, materials on AI in education, online course development resources, universal design for learning, and practical responses to AI technologies. The university also emphasizes accessibility and offers support through the Technology Accessibility Committee.

How can I engage students in online learning using YO Teach! platform?

YO Teach! is a versatile platform that offers tools like conversation starters, polls, and content-related questions to foster student engagement. Teachers can use it for activities such as haiku creation, student-led teaching, film-based discussions, and field trip polls. It accommodates different response formats and provides features for managing and analyzing data.

Are there any resources for media literacy available at Wake Forest University?

Yes, Wake Forest University offers free, self-paced courses on media literacy through KQED Teach. These courses cover various subjects and incorporate multimedia elements, providing educators with practical strategies to foster a deeper understanding of different topics. KQED Teach also serves as a hub for professional development.

How can I design engaging assignments for my online courses at Wake Forest University?

Wake Forest University provides resources from the POD Network, including lists of books, articles, websites, and videos that offer guidance on creating meaningful assignments. By utilizing these resources, educators can enhance student engagement and promote a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

How can I address the use of AI technologies in my teaching practices?

Wake Forest University offers a resource page on practical responses to AI technologies in teaching practices. This resource provides insights on designing assignments and implementing strategies to address issues related to cheating and non-learning. By incorporating AI technologies effectively, educators can enhance their teaching practices and provide students with a more impactful learning experience.

How does Wake Forest University promote technology accessibility?

Wake Forest University is committed to promoting technology accessibility on campus through its Technology Accessibility Committee (TAC). TAC serves as an advisory group that works to enhance the accessibility of campus technology. The committee engages with the university community to understand the needs and impacts of accessibility and makes recommendations for technology accessibility enhancements.

Who are the members of the Technology Accessibility Committee at Wake Forest University?

The Technology Accessibility Committee at Wake Forest University consists of faculty, students, and staff who represent a broad range of areas and interests across the university. By actively engaging with the Wake Forest community, the committee seeks to use proactive technology accessibility enhancements to remove barriers and ensure inclusivity for all users of campus technology.

What online learning opportunities does Wake Forest University offer?

Wake Forest University offers a wide range of online education programs, including online degree programs, distance learning options, and various online courses. These programs provide flexible learning opportunities and are designed to provide a high-quality educational experience to students.

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