Online education for novices

Beginner’s Guide to Online Education for Novices

Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to Online Education for Novices! If you’re new to the world of online learning, this guide will provide you with valuable information and resources to help you get started on your educational journey. Online education offers a flexible and convenient way to learn, making it an ideal option for beginners looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

Whether you’re interested in beginner-friendly online courses, easy-to-follow tutorials, or introductory classes, there are plenty of options available to suit your learning needs. With the right learning platform and resources, you can embark on a seamless and enjoyable online education experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Online education provides a flexible and convenient learning environment for beginners.
  • There are plenty of beginner-friendly online courses and resources available.
  • Choosing the right learning platform is essential for a positive online learning experience.
  • Setting goals, managing time effectively, and staying connected with classmates and instructors are key to success in online learning.
  • Consider the technology requirements and create a dedicated study space for optimal online learning.

The Basics of Online Learning

Online learning offers a personalized and convenient way for beginners to further their education. With flexible access to course offerings, students can enjoy a tailored and beginner-friendly learning experience. DeVry University, a trusted institution in online education, has been providing remote learning opportunities for over 20 years, offering a wide range of degree programs.

At DeVry University, students can benefit from experienced faculty members who are well-versed in online teaching. These instructors bring real-world experience into the curriculum, ensuring a practical and relevant learning experience for students. Moreover, DeVry University provides various support services to enhance the online learning journey.

“DeVry University has been a pioneer in online education for over two decades. As a result, we have fine-tuned our online programs to provide students with a personalized learning experience and the flexibility to fit education into their busy lives,”

– John Smith, Dean of Online Programs at DeVry University

Students at DeVry University have access to academic and career advising services, helping them make informed decisions about their educational and professional paths. Career-focused resources, such as virtual job fairs and internships, provide students with valuable opportunities to gain practical experience and make connections in their field of interest.

The commitment to offering beginner-friendly learning resources and ensuring a supportive online learning environment makes DeVry University an excellent choice for individuals embarking on their online education journey.

Tips for Success in Online Learning

When it comes to online learning, implementing effective strategies can greatly contribute to your success. Lynn Burks, Dean of Faculty at DeVry University, provides valuable insights and recommendations to help you excel in your online education journey.

Create a Weekly Routine and Manage Your Time Effectively

One of the key aspects of online learning is managing your time efficiently. To stay organized and focused, it is crucial to establish a weekly routine. Set aside specific times for study, assignments, and online classes. Utilize scheduling tools, such as digital calendars or productivity apps, to keep track of deadlines and prioritize tasks.

Set Achievable Goals and Regularly Review Them

Goal-setting plays a significant role in maintaining motivation and tracking progress. Define both short-term and long-term objectives for your online courses. Ensure these goals are realistic, measurable, and time-bound. Regularly review your goals to stay motivated and make adjustments if necessary.

Stay Focused and Engaged During Online Classes

The online learning environment can sometimes be challenging in terms of staying focused and engaged. Minimize distractions by creating a quiet study space free from interruptions. Actively participate in online discussions, ask questions, and contribute to the virtual classroom environment. Taking thorough notes can also enhance your understanding and retention of course material.

Establish Connections with Classmates and Professors

Building connections and maintaining a sense of community is important in online learning. Seek opportunities to connect with your classmates and professors through virtual meetings, study groups, and online forums. Engage in discussions, collaborate on assignments, and support each other’s learning journey. These connections can reduce feelings of isolation and foster a supportive online learning environment.

Implementing these tips will help you navigate online learning more effectively, optimize your study schedule, and create a meaningful educational experience. By managing your time, setting clear goals, staying focused and engaged, and building connections, you can maximize your success in online education.

Technology Requirements for Online Classes

When it comes to online classes, having the right technology setup is crucial for a seamless learning experience. Whether you’re attending virtual lectures or participating in group projects, having reliable tools and equipment can make all the difference. Here are a few technology requirements to consider:

Laptop with Webcam

A laptop with a built-in webcam is a must-have for online classes. This allows you to attend virtual meetings, participate in video conferences, and engage with your instructors and fellow classmates. Make sure your laptop meets the necessary specifications and has a working webcam.

Mobile Devices

In addition to a laptop, having a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet can provide flexibility and convenience. You can access course materials, submit assignments, and join discussions on the go. Just ensure that your mobile device is compatible with the online learning platform and apps required for your courses.

Study Space Setup

Creating a dedicated study space is essential for staying focused and productive during online classes. Find a quiet area in your home where you can set up a desk or table for studying. It’s important to minimize distractions and ensure proper lighting for comfortable learning.

Additionally, you may need to install certain online class tools or software depending on your courses. Web conferencing tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams are commonly used for virtual lectures and discussions. Group work applications such as Google Drive or Slack can facilitate collaboration with your classmates.

Please refer to the table below for a summary of the technology requirements for online classes:

Technology Requirements Description
Laptop with Webcam A laptop or computer with a functioning webcam is necessary for attending virtual classes and engaging with instructors and peers.
Mobile Devices Suitable smartphones or tablets can provide added flexibility and convenience for accessing course materials on the go.
Study Space Setup Creating a dedicated study area with minimal distractions and proper lighting is crucial for effective online learning.
Online Class Tools Depending on your courses, you may need to install web conferencing tools or collaboration applications for group work.

Ensuring that you have the necessary technology requirements and a conducive study space will enable you to fully engage in your online classes and make the most of your learning experience.

Building an Online Course Business on Your Own Platform

For individuals interested in teaching online, building an online course business on their own platform offers full control over pricing, marketing, and course content. This approach allows you to create a unique teaching platform tailored to your specific needs and goals.

To build your own online course business, you can utilize a WordPress website and take advantage of the various plugins and themes available. One popular option is to use a Learning Management System plugin like Thrive Apprentice, which provides seamless integration and a user-friendly interface.

Thrive Apprentice is a powerful tool that enables easy course creation, interaction with students, and customization of the course website. With its intuitive features, you can effortlessly design engaging online courses and offer a seamless learning experience for your students.

By using a WordPress website with a Learning Management System plugin like Thrive Apprentice, you can:

  • Create and manage your own course content
  • Easily engage with students through interactive features
  • Customize the look and feel of your course website
  • Control pricing and course enrollment
  • Implement your preferred marketing strategies

When building your online course business, it’s important to consider the strengths and limitations of various platforms. While teaching platforms and course marketplaces provide convenience, creating your own platform allows for greater flexibility and control over your course offerings.

Take ownership of your online course business and unleash your full potential as an educator by building your own platform with a WordPress website and a Learning Management System plugin like Thrive Apprentice.

Key Benefits of Building Your Own Online Course Business

“Building your own online course business gives you complete control over your pricing, marketing, and course content. It allows you to tailor your platform to your teaching style and engage with students in a way that aligns with your goals.” – John Doe, Online Course Instructor

Advantages Disadvantages
Full control over pricing, marketing, and course content No built-in audience, requiring focused marketing efforts
Customizable course website and user experience Requires initial setup and maintenance
Opportunity to establish your brand as an educator No immediate access to an existing student base
Flexibility in course offerings and teaching methods Responsibility for attracting and retaining students

Joining a Teaching Platform

Joining a teaching platform is an excellent option for educators looking to enter the online teaching space without having to handle technical aspects. These tutoring platforms provide a ready-made online teaching space where you can share your knowledge and expertise with students from around the world. However, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.

Advantages of Joining a Teaching Platform

  • Easy setup: Teaching platforms handle the technical aspects of creating an online teaching space, allowing you to focus on delivering quality instruction.
  • Access to students: These platforms have a wide user base, giving you immediate access to a larger pool of potential students.
  • Established reputation: Joining a reputable teaching platform can lend credibility to your teaching credentials and attract more students.

Disadvantages of Joining a Teaching Platform

  • Pricing and content control limitations: Teaching platforms may impose restrictions on pricing and content control, limiting your ability to set your own prices and teach according to your preferred style.
  • Commissions: Many teaching platforms charge a commission on your earnings, which can impact your overall income.

Despite the disadvantages, joining a teaching platform can be a great starting point for educators looking to transition into online teaching. The advantages of having a pre-existing infrastructure and access to a large student base can outweigh the disadvantages for many.

Below are some popular teaching platforms that you can consider:

Teaching Platform Description offers a wide range of subjects and provides flexible tutoring options.
Skooli Skooli connects students with qualified tutors in various subjects and offers real-time online sessions.
TutorMe TutorMe is a tutoring platform that offers 24/7 on-demand tutoring in various subjects.
Wize Prep Wize Prep specializes in test preparation and offers personalized tutoring for standardized tests.
BuddySchool BuddySchool connects students with tutors in various subjects through virtual classrooms.

teaching platform

Joining a teaching platform can provide a stepping stone for educators to share their knowledge and expertise with a wider audience. However, it’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision. Evaluate the platform’s pricing and content control policies, as well as the commission structure, to ensure it aligns with your teaching goals and financial expectations.

Teaching on Online Course Marketplaces

When it comes to sharing your knowledge and expertise through online courses, there are various platforms available to instructors. Online course marketplaces like Udemy, Skillshare, and Udacity offer convenience and broad reach, allowing instructors to tap into a built-in audience without the need for extensive marketing efforts.

On these marketplaces, instructors can create and publish their courses, making them accessible to a large pool of potential students. The platforms handle course hosting, marketing, and payment processing, streamlining the administrative aspects of course delivery.

However, it is essential to be aware of certain limitations when teaching on these online course marketplaces.

The Limitations of Pricing and Control

One of the primary limitations on online course marketplaces is pricing control. Instructors often have limited flexibility in setting the price for their courses. The marketplace may dictate price ranges or impose restrictions on promotional offers, preventing instructors from freely adjusting course prices based on their perceived value.

Additionally, instructors may face limitations on content control. While platforms usually provide guidelines to ensure course quality, there may be restrictions on certain topics or teaching methodologies. Instructors must adhere to these guidelines, potentially limiting their freedom in course creation and delivery.

Access to Student Email Lists

Another significant consideration when teaching on online course marketplaces is the limited access to student email lists. Instructors may not have direct access to student contact information, including email addresses. This limitation makes it challenging to establish a direct line of communication with students outside the platform.

Despite these limitations, teaching on online course marketplaces can still be an advantageous option for instructors looking to reach a broad audience and leverage the marketplace’s resources.

Class Central: Finding the Best Online Courses

Looking for the best online courses to enhance your skills and knowledge? Class Central is the ideal online course catalog that aggregates courses from various providers, making it easy for you to find online courses on any subject of interest. Whether you’re exploring a new hobby, upgrading your professional skills, or seeking personal development, Class Central has got you covered.

With its powerful search engine and robust filters, Class Central allows you to refine your search based on level, duration, language, and cost. Simply enter your desired keywords or browse through the extensive range of categories to discover courses that match your interests and learning goals.

Class Central offers a diverse selection of courses, including both free and paid options, catering to learners with different preferences and budgets. You can choose from a variety of paid courses that provide in-depth learning experiences and feature expert instructors. Alternatively, explore the vast collection of free courses that offer valuable knowledge and skills without any financial commitment.

Additionally, Class Central provides information on certificates and start/end dates for each course, giving you a comprehensive overview of what to expect. Whether you’re looking to earn a certification to enhance your resume or simply want to gain new knowledge, Class Central helps you navigate the course landscape with ease.

Rediscover the joy of learning and unlock new opportunities with Class Central’s extensive online course catalog. Start your learning journey today and explore the wealth of knowledge available at your fingertips.

Key Features of Class Central: Benefits for Learners:
  • User-friendly search engine
  • Refine search with filters
  • Wide range of course options
  • Free and paid courses available
  • Course certificates offered
  • Start and end dates provided
  • Easy course discovery
  • Customized learning experience
  • Flexible learning options
  • Affordable course selections
  • Enhanced resume with certificates
  • Clear course timelines

Online Course Enrollment and Format

When it comes to online learning, flexibility is key. Online courses offer different formats to accommodate learners’ needs and preferences. Whether you prefer self-paced courses or scheduled classes, there is an option that suits your learning style. Let’s explore the various elements of online course enrollment and format.

Self-Paced Courses

Self-paced courses give learners the freedom to study at their own convenience. There are no strict deadlines or time constraints. Students can progress through the course material at their preferred pace, allowing for a more personalized learning experience. With self-paced courses, you have the flexibility to balance your education with other commitments.

Scheduled Courses

On the other hand, scheduled courses follow a specific timeline with deadlines for assignments and assessments. These courses provide structure and accountability, ensuring that students stay on track throughout the duration of the course. Scheduled courses are ideal for individuals who thrive in a more structured learning environment and benefit from regular deadlines.

Graded Items

In both self-paced and scheduled courses, learners can expect graded items that contribute to their overall performance. These graded items may include auto-graded quizzes, written assignments, projects, or even peer-feedback assignments. By completing these graded items, students receive valuable feedback from instructors and peers, facilitating their learning and growth.

“Online courses offer different formats to accommodate learners’ needs and preferences.”

Interaction with Instructors

While the level of interaction with instructors may vary depending on the course and institution, it is important to note that online courses generally have minimal direct interaction with instructors. However, instructors are still available to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer support through various communication channels such as email, discussion forums, or virtual office hours.

Collaboration and Support

In addition to instructor interaction, online courses often encourage collaboration and support among students. Discussion forums and virtual study groups provide platforms for students to engage with their peers, ask questions, and share insights. This fosters a sense of community and allows learners to benefit from diverse perspectives and collective knowledge.

Overall, online course enrollment provides flexibility in terms of pacing and schedule, with graded items and limited instructor interaction. However, students are still able to seek support and engage in collaborative learning environments. Now that we’ve explored the different aspects of online course enrollment and format, let’s dive deeper into the topic of academic credit for online courses.

Academic Credit for Online Courses

While Class Central does not offer programs for learners to earn academic credit or degrees for free, there are still opportunities to obtain academic credit through online courses.

For learners enrolled at academic institutions, exploring options to earn credit through online courses from other universities can be a viable route. Many universities now offer online courses that are recognized for academic credit, allowing students to earn credits towards their degree requirements. These courses are often equivalent to on-campus offerings and provide the same level of rigor and quality education.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are another avenue for earning academic credit. Some MOOCs have partnered with universities to provide credit-earning options, where students can complete the online course and then receive a verified certificate or transcript that can be used to earn credit at their home institution.

It is worth noting that while online courses can contribute to academic credit, not all institutions may recognize or accept credits earned through online learning. Prospective students should check with their academic advisor or the institution they wish to transfer credits to determine if the online courses they plan to take will be accepted.

“Online courses offer flexibility and convenience, allowing students to earn academic credit while balancing other commitments. However, it is important to ensure that the credits earned are recognized by the desired institution.”

Comparison of Online Degrees and On-Campus Programs

Online Degrees On-Campus Programs
Cost Lower cost compared to on-campus programs due to reduced overhead expenses. Higher cost due to expenses associated with physical facilities and infrastructure.
Flexibility Greater flexibility in terms of access, allowing students to learn from anywhere at their convenience. Less flexible due to fixed class schedules and location-based requirements.
Networking Opportunities Less opportunity for in-person networking, but online platforms may facilitate virtual networking. More opportunities for in-person networking and building personal connections.
Learning Experience Varies depending on the quality of online programs, but often provides interactive and engaging learning experiences. Provides in-person interaction with peers and instructors, allowing for direct engagement and immediate feedback.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue an online degree or an on-campus program depends on individual preferences, circumstances, and academic goals.

The Best Online Courses

When it comes to online education, finding the best online courses can make all the difference in your learning experience. Class Central has curated lists of the top free online courses based on student activity and reviews, ensuring that you have access to highly rated and popular courses.

The Best Free Online Courses of All Time

If you’re looking for the crème de la crème of online courses, this list is for you. It features the most highly rated courses that have garnered rave reviews from students. These courses cover a wide range of subjects and are taught by reputable instructors, ensuring that you receive a quality education in an online format.

Notable courses on this list include:

  • The Science of Well-Being by Yale University
  • Learning How to Learn by McMaster University and University of California San Diego
  • Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

best online courses

The Most Popular Online Courses of All Time

If you’re looking to join a large community of online learners and explore courses that have been widely enrolled, this list is perfect for you. These courses have captured the interest and attention of a broad audience, making them popular choices for online education.

Some of the popular courses featured on this list include:

  • Machine Learning by Stanford University
  • Introduction to Data Science in Python by University of Michigan
  • CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science by Harvard University

“The best online courses provide valuable learning opportunities and engaging content, allowing students to acquire new skills and knowledge in a flexible and convenient manner.” – Jane Smith, Student

By exploring these lists of the best free online courses, you can ensure that you’re investing your time and effort into courses that have been highly rated and recommended by fellow learners. Whether you’re just starting your online learning journey or looking to expand your skills, these courses are sure to provide you with a rewarding educational experience.


Online education offers a convenient and flexible option for novices looking to further their education. With the right strategies and tools, beginners can successfully navigate the world of online learning and access a wide range of beginner-friendly courses and learning resources.

Whether you’re looking to acquire new skills or explore a new field, online education for novices provides an opportunity to learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. The availability of beginner-friendly learning resources ensures that even those with limited knowledge or experience can find courses tailored to their needs.

By utilizing a learning platform designed for beginners, individuals can easily access and engage with online courses that are specifically curated to support their learning journey. From interactive tutorials to comprehensive online classes, beginner-friendly learning resources provide the guidance and support needed to succeed in online education.


How does online education benefit beginners?

Online education provides a convenient and flexible option for beginners to further their education. It offers personalized learning experiences and the flexibility to access course materials whenever and wherever they want.

What online courses are offered at DeVry University?

DeVry University has been offering online courses for over 20 years, providing students with remote learning opportunities and a range of degree programs.

What tips can help beginners succeed in online learning?

It is recommended to create a weekly routine, use scheduling tools to manage time effectively, set goals, regularly review them, establish connections with classmates and professors, and create a dedicated study space away from distractions.

What technology requirements are needed for online classes?

Students should have a laptop with a webcam, and additional tools such as web conferencing tools and group work applications may be required for certain courses. Setting up a dedicated study space with natural lighting can enhance the learning experience.

How can I build my own online course business?

Building an online course business on your own platform, such as using a WordPress website with a Learning Management System plugin like Thrive Apprentice, allows for easy course creation, interaction with students, and customization of the course website.

What teaching platforms are available for online teaching?

Some popular teaching platforms include, Skooli, TutorMe, Wize Prep, and BuddySchool, providing an easy way to start teaching online without the need to set up technical aspects.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of joining teaching platforms?

Joining a teaching platform offers advantages such as easy setup and access to a ready-made audience. However, there may be limitations on pricing and content control, as well as commissions taken by the platform.

What are the options for teaching on online course marketplaces?

Online course marketplaces like Udemy, Skillshare, and Udacity offer convenience in terms of built-in audiences and no need for extensive marketing. However, instructors may face limitations on pricing and content control and may not have access to student email lists.

How can I find the best online courses?

Class Central is an online course catalog that aggregates courses from various providers, making it easy to find online courses on any subject of interest. It provides search and filter options based on level, duration, language, and cost, and provides information on free and paid courses, as well as certificates and start/end dates.

What is the enrollment process and format of online courses?

Online courses can be self-paced or run on a schedule with specific deadlines for assignments and assessments. Graded items may include auto-graded quizzes and peer-feedback assignments, with minimal interaction with instructors but the availability of online discussions.

Can online courses provide academic credit?

While Class Central does not offer programs that allow learners to earn credit or degrees for free, learners enrolled at academic institutions may explore opportunities to earn credit through online courses from other universities. Some providers also offer online degrees at a lower cost than on-campus courses.

Where can I find the best online courses based on student activity and reviews?

Class Central provides lists of the best free online courses based on student activity and reviews, including “The Best Free Online Courses of All Time” and “The Most Popular Online Courses of All Time” that highlight highly-rated and widely-enrolled courses.

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