online degrees social work

Accredited Online Degrees Social Work Programs

Are you interested in pursuing a career in social work? Wayne State University offers accredited online degrees in social work that provide the flexibility and convenience you need to earn your degree. The Online Works (WOW!) Program at Wayne State University offers a fully online Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program, allowing you to complete your coursework from the comfort of your own home. With experienced instructors, interactive online tools, and student support services, our program provides a comprehensive educational experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wayne State University offers accredited online degrees in social work.
  • The Online Works (WOW!) Program provides a flexible schedule for earning your BSW degree.
  • All classes required for the degree are taught online using the Canvas educational platform.
  • The program offers interactive online tools and student support services.
  • Field placement hours are required and must be completed in-person.

Benefits of Online Learning for Social Work Degrees

Online learning for social work degrees offers several benefits for students. One such program is the Where Online Works (WOW!) Program at Wayne State University. This program provides a flexible schedule that allows students to balance their education with work or family commitments. With all required classes taught online, students can access the curriculum from anywhere at any time.

The WOW! program is designed to provide students with a high-quality education that is on par with traditional classroom learning. Experienced instructors who also teach in the traditional setting deliver the online courses, ensuring students receive the same level of expertise and instruction. This ensures that students receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for a successful career in social work.

The online format of the WOW! program also offers various interactive tools to enhance the learning experience. Students can engage with course materials, participate in online discussions, and collaborate with their peers. Additionally, students have access to a range of support services, including advisors, mentors, and tutors who are available to assist them throughout their studies.

One of the key advantages of online learning is the asynchronous format, allowing students to complete course activities at their own pace. This flexibility is especially beneficial for individuals who have work or family commitments, as it allows them to design their own study schedule. Whether it’s early mornings, late nights, or weekends, students can fit their coursework around their other responsibilities.

The WOW! program at Wayne State University provides students with the flexibility and support necessary to succeed in an online social work degree. With experienced instructors, interactive tools, and a flexible schedule, students can achieve their educational goals while maintaining their other commitments.

With online learning becoming increasingly popular, it is an excellent option for individuals seeking to pursue a social work degree. The convenience and flexibility it offers, coupled with the robust curriculum and student support services of programs like the WOW! program, make online learning a viable and attractive choice for aspiring social work professionals.

Benefits of Online Learning for Social Work Degrees

Benefits Description
Flexibility The ability to design your own study schedule and balance education with work or family commitments.
Interactive Tools Access to various online tools and resources that enhance the learning experience.
Experienced Instructors Instructors who are experts in the field and teach in both online and traditional classroom settings.
Support Services Access to advisors, mentors, and tutors who provide guidance and assistance throughout the program.
Flexibility in Completion The ability to complete course activities at your own pace, fitting them around other responsibilities.

Factors to Consider for Online Social Work Degrees

When considering an online social work degree, there are several factors to take into account. Online learning requires self-discipline, time management skills, and comfort with technology. It is important to have easy access to a computer with necessary software and a reliable internet connection.

The BSW program at Wayne State University advises against working full-time while enrolled in the full-time online program. Instead, it recommends part-time enrollment for those who are working to better manage their commitments. It is essential to carefully consider your readiness for online learning and your ability to reach out for assistance when needed.

Program Expectations

Online social work degrees have specific program expectations. These expectations may vary depending on the institution and program. Here are some common program expectations for online social work degrees:

  • Complete assignments and activities within specified deadlines
  • Participate actively in online discussions and group projects
  • Engage with online learning materials, including readings and multimedia resources
  • Attend virtual lectures or watch recorded lectures
  • Complete field education requirements in-person

It is crucial to thoroughly review the program expectations before enrolling in an online social work degree program to ensure that they align with your schedule, capabilities, and goals.

Online Social Work Degrees

“Online learning requires self-motivation and discipline to stay on track without the structure of a traditional classroom.”

Online social work degree programs offer flexible learning options, but they also demand self-motivation and discipline. Successful students in online programs are those who are committed to their studies, organized, and proactive in seeking assistance when needed. By considering these factors and understanding the program expectations, you can make an informed decision about pursuing an online social work degree.

Curriculum and Field Education Requirements

The BSW program at Wayne State University offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students for a successful career in social work. The program follows a specific sequence of courses, ensuring that students acquire essential knowledge and skills throughout their education.

The curriculum includes a combination of required courses, select minors, and an honors option. These additional offerings allow students to tailor their education to their specific interests and career goals. The program also incorporates a service-learning component, providing students with hands-on experience in real-world social work settings.

In certain courses, the curriculum includes experiential learning components, which allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations. These immersive experiences enhance students’ understanding of social work practices and build their confidence in working with diverse populations.

In-Person Field Placement

While all required courses in the BSW program can be completed online, there is a crucial component that must be done in-person: the 460-hour field placement. Field education is an essential element of social work training, offering students the opportunity to apply their classroom learning in real-life situations.

It is the responsibility of the school to arrange field placements for students, ensuring they gain valuable hands-on experience in a professional social work setting. Students are expected to have reliable transportation to and from the field placement site.

Curriculum Components Field Education Requirements
Required Courses 460-hour in-person field placement
Select Minors Provided by the program
Honors Option Optional for eligible students
Service-Learning Integrated into the curriculum
Experiential Learning Components Vary by selected courses

The field placement experience is a valuable opportunity for students to gain practical skills, develop professional networks, and make a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities. It serves as a bridge between academic coursework and real-world social work practice, preparing students for their future careers as licensed social workers.

Admission Process for Online Social Work Degrees

To apply to the WOW! program at Wayne State University, prospective students must go through a comprehensive admission process. The program has specific requirements that applicants need to meet before they can be considered for admission.

Minimum Requirements

The admission requirements for the online social work program at Wayne State University include the following:

  • Minimum GPA of 2.50
  • Completion of at least 60 college-level credits (or be in progress of completing them)
  • Regular access to a suitable computer system

These requirements are essential to ensure that students have the necessary academic background and technical capabilities to succeed in the online program. Meeting these requirements demonstrates a commitment to academic excellence and the ability to handle the demands of online learning.

Online Assessment

In addition to meeting the minimum requirements, applicants are also required to complete an online assessment. This assessment helps determine their readiness for online learning and assesses their ability to manage the self-paced nature of the program. It covers various aspects, such as time management skills, technological proficiency, and self-discipline.

Information Sessions

Information sessions are available for prospective students who want to learn more about the WOW! program and the application process. These sessions provide an opportunity to interact with program faculty and current students, ask questions, and gain a better understanding of the program’s expectations and benefits. Attending an information session can help applicants make an informed decision about pursuing an online social work degree at Wayne State University.

Overall, the admission process for the online social work degrees at Wayne State University ensures that qualified individuals are selected for the program. It allows the program to maintain a high standard of education and provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in social work.

Admission Requirements Online Assessment Information Sessions
  • Minimum GPA of 2.50
  • Completion of at least 60 college-level credits (or be in progress of completing them)
  • Regular access to a suitable computer system
Assesses readiness for online learning and self-paced program Provides detailed information about the program and application process

Benefits of Accreditation for Online Social Work Degrees

When considering an online social work degree program, accreditation is a crucial factor to take into account. Accreditation ensures that the program meets rigorous standards set by recognized accrediting agencies. For social work programs, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is the primary accrediting agency.

Accredited programs provide several key benefits:

  1. Quality Education: Accreditation ensures that the program offers a high-quality education that meets industry standards. CSWE-accredited programs have been thoroughly evaluated and deemed to provide the essential knowledge and skills needed for a career in social work.
  2. Licensure Requirements: Graduating from an accredited program is often a requirement or preference for employers and licensing boards. Accreditation ensures that you are completing the necessary coursework and field education to meet the licensing requirements in your state.
  3. Employment Opportunities: Employers in the social work field recognize the value of an accredited degree. Graduating from an accredited program can enhance your employment prospects and give you a competitive edge in the job market.

On the other hand, choosing an unaccredited program may have certain drawbacks:

  1. Limited Recognition: Some employers and licensing boards may not recognize degrees from unaccredited programs, potentially limiting your career opportunities.
  2. Uncertain Education Quality: Unaccredited programs may not undergo the same level of evaluation and oversight as accredited programs, raising questions about the quality of education you would receive.
  3. Licensure Challenges: Graduating from an unaccredited program may hinder the licensure process or require additional coursework or examinations to meet the licensing requirements in your state.

In summary, choosing an accredited online social work degree program, such as those accredited by CSWE, is crucial for ensuring a quality education, meeting licensure requirements, and enhancing your career prospects in the field of social work.

Career Opportunities with an Online Social Work Degree

Earning an online social work degree can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities in the field of social services. Graduates of online programs have the opportunity to pursue various career paths, including becoming licensed social workers in specialized areas such as child welfare, mental health and substance abuse, healthcare, and more.

Obtaining a license as a social worker allows individuals to provide professional services to individuals, families, and communities in need. With a growing demand for social workers, licensed professionals have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of others and contribute to positive change within society.

Aside from working as licensed social workers, individuals with an online social work degree can also explore social service positions that closely align with social work. These positions may include roles such as case managers, community outreach managers, or social service managers. These positions allow professionals to utilize their knowledge and skills to address social issues and support vulnerable populations.

Specialized Career Paths in Social Work

In addition to the career opportunities mentioned above, there are several specialized areas within social work that individuals can pursue with an online degree. Some of these areas include:

  • Child Welfare: Working with children and families, advocating for their rights and well-being.
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse: Assisting individuals with mental health disorders or substance abuse issues, providing support and resources for recovery.
  • Healthcare: Collaborating with healthcare professionals to address the social and emotional needs of patients.
  • Community Development: Engaging with communities to identify and address social issues, promoting social change and empowerment.

These specialized areas offer unique opportunities to focus on specific populations and address targeted social issues. With an online social work degree, individuals can pursue their passion and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Benefits of an Online Social Work Degree
Flexible schedule for working professionals or those with family commitments.
Access to interactive online tools and resources.
Opportunity to develop essential skills in areas such as communication, problem-solving, and empathy.
Availability of online support services, including advisors and mentors.

By pursuing an online social work degree, you can embark on a rewarding career dedicated to helping others and creating positive social change.

social work career opportunities

With the diverse range of career opportunities, earning an online social work degree provides graduates with the foundation to become influential professionals in the field of social services. Whether it’s working directly with individuals or advocating for social justice, social work offers a fulfilling and impactful career path.

Steps to Becoming a Social Worker

Becoming a licensed social worker is an important step towards pursuing a rewarding career in the field of social work. To embark on this career path, there are several key steps that you need to follow:

  1. Earn a Bachelor’s Degree: Start by completing a bachelor’s degree in social work or a related field. This undergraduate education will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills necessary for a career in social work. Programs like the BSW program at Wayne State University offer comprehensive courses designed to prepare students for the next stages of their career.
  2. Obtain Licensure at the Bachelor’s Level: Depending on your state’s requirements, you may need to obtain licensure at the bachelor’s level before advancing further in your career. Check with your state’s regulatory board to understand the specific licensing requirements.
  3. Pursue a Master’s Degree: After obtaining your bachelor’s degree and licensure (if necessary), it is common to pursue a master’s degree in social work (MSW). An MSW enhances your knowledge and expertise in the field and opens up advanced career opportunities in areas such as clinical social work, administration, or research.
  4. Gain Field Experience: Throughout your education, it is crucial to gain practical field experience through internships or supervised placements. Field education provides you with hands-on experience, allowing you to apply theories and concepts learned in the classroom to real-life situations.
  5. Pass Licensing Examinations: To become a licensed social worker, you will need to pass the required licensing examinations. Each state has its own licensing board and specific requirements, so be sure to research and understand the licensing process in your state.

Remember that the specific steps to becoming a social worker may vary by state, so it is essential to stay updated on the requirements in your area. By following these general steps and completing the necessary education and licensure, you can embark on a fulfilling career in social work.

Resources for Social Work Students

Social work students have access to a wide range of resources that can support their education and advance their career. Professional organizations play a vital role in providing valuable information, networking opportunities, and career development resources for aspiring social workers. These organizations advocate for the social work profession and offer resources to meet licensing requirements. Here are some prominent professional organizations that can be helpful for social work students:

Association of Social Work Boards

The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) is a professional organization dedicated to supporting social work regulatory authorities in the United States and Canada. They develop and maintain the licensing examinations for social work, ensuring that candidates have the necessary knowledge and skills to practice safely and effectively. ASWB provides resources such as study guides, practice exams, and continuing education opportunities to help students prepare for licensure.

National Association of Social Workers

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest professional association of social workers in the United States. They provide resources to support the professional development of social workers and advocate for policies that benefit the profession and the clients served. NASW offers access to publications, webinars, conferences, and networking opportunities to help social work students stay informed and connected in their field.

Clinical Social Work Association

The Clinical Social Work Association (CSWA) is a national organization dedicated to promoting the clinical social work profession. They provide resources specifically tailored to clinical social workers, including clinical practice guidelines, advocacy tools, and opportunities for mentorship and collaboration. CSWA offers webinars and continuing education programs to support the ongoing professional development of social work students interested in clinical practice.

Society for Social Work and Research

The Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) is a professional society focused on advancing research in social work and social welfare. They provide resources to support social work students and professionals in conducting research, such as access to journals, conferences, and research funding opportunities. SSWR is committed to promoting evidence-based practice and enhancing the research capacity of social workers.

These professional organizations serve as valuable sources of information, professional development opportunities, and networking platforms for social work students. Engaging with these resources can help students stay connected to the latest developments in the field, enhance their skills, and build a strong professional network.


Earning an online social work degree can open doors to a fulfilling career in social services. Programs like the BSW program at Wayne State University provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to make a difference in the lives of others. Accredited online programs offer flexibility and convenience for students who need to balance their education with other responsibilities.

With the growing demand for social workers, the career outlook for graduates of online social work programs is promising. As society continues to face complex social issues, there is an increased need for professionals who can contribute to positive change in their communities. Graduates of online social work degrees are well-positioned to meet this demand and help create a more just and equitable society.

Whether you are interested in working with children, individuals with mental health challenges, or vulnerable populations, an online social work degree can provide you with the foundation to pursue various career paths. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical field experience, these programs prepare students to address the unique challenges and opportunities in the field of social work. Start your journey towards a rewarding career in social services by exploring accredited online social work degree programs today.


What is the WOW! Program at Wayne State University?

The WOW! Program at Wayne State University is a fully accredited online BSW program that offers a flexible schedule for students who want to earn their social work degree. All classes required for the degree are taught online using the Canvas educational platform.

What are the benefits of online learning for social work degrees?

Online learning for social work degrees provides flexibility and convenience, allowing students to balance their education with work or family commitments. The WOW! program at Wayne State University offers interactive tools and student support services to enhance the online learning experience.

What factors should I consider for an online social work degree?

When considering an online social work degree, it is important to have self-discipline, time management skills, and comfort with technology. Students should also have easy access to a computer with necessary software and a reliable internet connection. The BSW program at Wayne State University recommends part-time enrollment for students who are working full-time.

What are the curriculum and field education requirements for the BSW program at Wayne State University?

The BSW program at Wayne State University follows a specific curriculum sequence that includes required courses, select minors, and an honors option. All required courses can be completed online, but the 460-hour field placement must be done in-person. The school arranges field placements for students, and reliable transportation is necessary.

How can I apply to the WOW! program at Wayne State University?

To apply to the WOW! program, applicants must meet certain requirements, including a minimum GPA of 2.50 and completion of at least 60 college-level credits. Regular access to a suitable computer system is also required. Applicants are also required to complete an online assessment to determine their readiness for online learning. Information sessions are available for applicants to learn more about the program and the application process.

Why is accreditation important for online social work degrees?

Accreditation ensures that students receive a quality education and meet the necessary standards to become licensed social workers. The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is the primary accrediting agency for social work programs. Graduating from an accredited program is preferred by employers and licensing boards and can streamline the licensure process.

What career opportunities are available with an online social work degree?

Graduates of online social work programs can pursue various career opportunities, including becoming licensed social workers in areas such as child welfare, mental health and substance abuse, healthcare, and more. Other career paths include working as case managers, community outreach managers, or social service managers.

What are the steps to becoming a social worker?

Becoming a licensed social worker typically involves completing a bachelor’s degree in social work or a related field, obtaining licensure at the bachelor’s level, and then pursuing a master’s degree in social work. The specific steps may vary by state, but these general steps provide a roadmap to begin a career in social work.

What resources are available for social work students?

Social work students have access to various resources to support their education and career. Professional organizations like the Association of Social Work Boards and the National Association of Social Workers offer valuable information, networking opportunities, and career development resources. Other associations like the Clinical Social Work Association and the Society for Social Work and Research also provide additional resources.

What is the career outlook for graduates of online social work programs?

The growing demand for social workers makes the career outlook promising for graduates of online social work programs. With an online social work degree, graduates have the necessary knowledge and skills to make a difference in the lives of others and meet the increasing demand for professionals in the field of social services.

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